BRAZIL 2008 / 09.

Images from Brazil 2008: Pantanal Jaguar!
Dawn in Itatiaia NP.
On the feeders at the Hotel do Ype, Itatiaia NP: Green-headed Tanager.
Saffron Toucanet.
White-throated Hummingbird.
Outside the Ype cabins: Surucua Trogon.
Dusky-legged Guan.
Atlantic Forest, Itatiaia NP.
Hotel do Ype, Itatiaia NP.

Brazil Tour News.

We are operating birding tours to Brazil in 2009 covering the Amazon, the Atlantic Forests and the Pantanal. Our November 2009 departure to the North-east is now full but we are arranging a second departure for early 2010 and details will be on the website in the near future.

The "Classic Brazil" departure in September 2009 covers the Atlantic Forests of Itatiaia NP, Pantanal and Chapada dos Guimaraes. Hopefully we'll be successful in locating a few mammals as well although this year's tally of 2 Tayras, a Puma and 2 Jaguars will be hard to repeat!

If it's the Amazon that interests you then look no further than our Carajas tour. With special birds like Black-chested Tyrant, Black-bellied Gnateater, Purple-breasted Cotinga, White-tailed Cotinga and White Bellbird Carajas is a firm favourite. A full list of species recorded on our last two tours to Carajas can be found on the Toucan Birding Tours website.

Finally if you're looking for a break from the winter weather we still have a few places left on our Atlantic Forest tour (1-15 November 2008) featuring REGUA, Itatiaia, Ubatuba and Intervales.

For more information on Brazil departures and other tours to the Neotropics please see our website at