BRAZIL 2008: Carajas 5 - 11 August.

Carajas 2008 (from top): Harpy Eagle, Hyacinth Macaw, Red & Green Macaw, Jatoba Park Hotel and rooms.

Carajas is simply a superb Amazonian birding destination. Undoubted highlight was the Harpy Eagle though subsequent attempts to view this bird were unsuccessful so perhaps we were luckier than first thought when we ambled up to the bird on out first try! Black-bellied and Chestnut-belted Gnateaters, Black-chested Tyrant, White-tailed Cotinga and Purple-breasted Cotinga head the cast here. Sharpbill, Spangled Cotinga, Blue-cheeked Jacamar, Great Jacamar and Red-billed Pied-Tanagers are just a few of the “also-rans” at Carajas and once again the local Hyacinth Macaws stole the thunder from their friends in the Pantanal later in the tour.
We stayed in the comfortable Jatoba Park Hotel (air-conditioned) in Carajas this year.
We have now recorded 275 species at Carajas during the 2007 and 2008 tours. A full list will be posted on the Toucan Birding Tours website in due course.
Carajas will feature in the 2009 program. Please see the website for details.