BRAZIL: Latest Report and 2009 Tours.

Safari Brazil August 2009: We'll be visiting Canastra National Park, Caraca, Cipo and Linhares in search of Brazilian Merganser, Banded Cotinga, Swallow-tailed Cotinga and we've a great chance to see Maned Wolf and Giant Anteater too. See below for details.

Images from November's Atlantic Forest Endemics Tour: (from top) Stymphalornis antwren sp. (female); REGUA wetland; Tropical Screech-Owl; Bare-throated Bellbird; Swallow-tailed Cotinga; Atlantic Rainforest (Intervales State Park); Masked Duck (female); Three-toed Jacamar; Frilled Coquette.

Atlantic Forest Endemics Tour November 1 - 15 2008.

We've just completed another very successful Brazil departure focusing on the endemic species of the Atlantic Forests in the east. Our tour featured REGUA, Itatiaia, Ubatuba and Intervales. Travel days were very few and punctuated with stops for key birds like Black-hooded Antwren at Pereque and the as yet undescribed Stymphalornis antwren (possibly "just" Parana Antwren, but a northward range extension nevertheless) near Moji das Cruces. Highlights were too many to list here but Shrike-like Cotinga, Bare-throated Bellbird, Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Cinnamon-vented Piha, Hooded Berryeater, Buff-throated Purpletuft, Black & Gold Cotinga, Itatiaia Thistletail, Frilled Coquette, Spotted Bamboo-Wren, Red-necked Tanager, Atlantic Royal Flycatcher and Long-trained Nightjar are worthy of mention. Read a full tour report here and species list here.

See our new Mato Grosso departure for June featuring the Pantanal, Cristalino Jungle Lodge and Emas National Park. This tour can be taken as short breaks (each section is priced separately) or combined as a tour duration to suit your requirements. We'll have a great chance to see Giant Anteaters in Emas as we focus on finding the recently rediscovered Cone-billed Tanager and White-winged Nightjar as well as many more Cerrado birds.

During Safari Brazil (August 2009) we'll be in search of Brazilian Merganser in Canastra, Serra Antwren and Swallow-tailed Cotinga at Caraca and Cipo Canastero and Hyacith Visorbearer before moving into Atlantic Rainforest at Linhares. Banded Cotinga, White-winged Cotinga and Striated Softtail will just be a few of our targets here and there's plenty of mammal interest on this tour too with a great opportunity to see Maned Wolf and Giant Anteater.